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On November 4th, 2014 voters in Tallahassee, Florida made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in the United States by an overwhelming 2 – 1 margin.

A small but dedicated group of progressives, conservatives, and independents put aside their differences to wage a historic battle against corruption in their community, and they won.

They weren’t afraid to call the money pouring into our political system what it is: corruption. They went all in with comprehensive reforms instead of settling for half-measures. And they did it all by sidestepping entrenched politicians and putting a citizen initiative directly on the ballot — no politicians required, just we, the People.

Spread the word

Get the message out: We can win the fight against big money corrupting politics
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A short explainer of the Tallahassee effort

Election Day Victories

Landmark Anti-Corruption Wins in 2014
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What’s in the act?

A breakdown of city politics before and after the Anti-Corruption Act
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Meet the organizers

Catherine Baer, Chair of the Florida Tea Party Network
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Tallahassee_Organizer_Davis Anita Davis, Former Leon County Commission Chairwoman
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Tallahassee_Organizer_Wills Marilynn Wills, Chair of the Board, Integrity Florida
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